lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Why do squirrels have furry tails?

The squirrels are beautiful animals, they have a stranger features... ¿why? keep reading!

According to wikipedia: "Is called squirrel to certain species of rodent family Sciuridae esciuromorfos".

The squirrel is a rodent mammal. The squirrels are mainly animals day, with a good hearing, sight and smell. Measures between 35 and 45 cm in length, of which nearly half belong to the tail. In the forelimbs, the thumb is reduced, but the other 4 fingers are well developed and equipped with long, curved and sharp nails. In your head protrude them eyes bright and the mouth in which the teeth are very developed and outgoing. There are small, medium and large squirrels. Since there is a wide diversity, the features are varied. Finally, a squirrel is a type of rodent that has long incisors and a bushy tail.

The squirrel is notable for the hairy tail which has, perhaps this is the most characteristic feature that has.

But, what is the usefulness of this? Why should it be hairy?

They have a tail hairy that used to communicate is, already is to warn of the presence of predators as for scare to the opponents. Another important function that provides the tail is a balance when they jump from one branch to another. In addition, is spongy, for cushioning your rear of falls and scrapes and pinching.

As said previously, there is a great variety of species of squirrels, but know that the "squirrel of land tufted" is the race of squirrels with the tail more hairy and spongy?

Photo by: Erik Meijaard.

It is rather strange, but the studio that Emily Meijaard began trying to make us understand a little to this species.

Begining with these facts: the mono ground squirrel is found only in the deep jungles of Borneo, an island more orangutans, Pygmy elephants and Sumatran rhinos known to squirrels. Both are in danger of extinction and are almost completely unknown to science. And, as is shows in the Studio of Emily Meijaard: the squirrel of Earth tufted well can have the tail more high in comparison with the size of the body of any mammal of the planet.

Is something amazing! But, why the squirrel of Earth tufted developed a tail much more big that it of his relative of the North?

"Nobody has studied the behavior of the species so we can only assume," said Emily Meijaard.

Okay, this sounds maybe a little disappointing, even me I want to know the why this species of squirrels has a tail that is larger than the other races. But, for the moment, I suppose that it would be well to guide us on what I mentioned above.

Well, without a doubt, the squirrels are animals very tender. I have read that if adopted from very young perhaps they can be domesticated. Which is something great! okay, for those who believe that may care to this type of animals.

Thanks for reading me. xx

7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  2. Angelica did not know that the squirrels kept things so amazing your blog helped me to better understand these animals thanks continue to write

  3. The squirrels have a tail very useful! Very good explanation! Thanks

  4. Squirrels are more than small rodents, thanks.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. It's true, the squirrels are very beautiful! Good blog, thanks
